An institute for critical education in the South Pacific
Tauʻolunga (archival)
Our Referees

Over the past nine years, Dr Michael Horowitz has served as visiting lecturer at the University of Waikato, visiting research fellow at Auckland University of Technology, and visiting academic at East-West Center and the Universities of Auckland, Canterbury, Otago, Hawaiʻi, Tasmania, and Victoria. He holds U.S. postgraduate degrees from the New School in New York and Oregon’s College of Public Affairs at Portland State University. Over the past four years, his articles and reviews on Pacific politics and society have appeared in Journal of Pacific History, Journal of Pacific Affairs, Journal de la Société des Océanistes, and Sites. He is once again serving as university dean at Tonga's ʻAtenisi Institute.

Dr Morgan Tuimalealiʻifano is associate professor of history at the University of the South Pacific’s flagship campus in Suva, Fiji. He holds a PhD in Pacific history from Australian National University, and has published widely on Fijian and Samoan politics, culture, and sociology, including the article on Fijian Prime Minister J V Bainimarama in the current Encylopædia Britannica. He is past president of the Pacific History Association.

A member of the editorial board of Ethnology, Dr Hal Levine is senior lecturer in anthropology at Victoria University at Wellington, with past leave as visiting lecturer at the National University of Samoa and Rutgers University in the U.S. In addition to his pioneering study of urbanisation in Papua New Guinea with Marlene Wolfzahn Levine, he has published over 20 articles and five chapters on Pacific society and culture, with a focus on indigenous culture in Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. He holds a PhD in social and cultural anthropology from State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Dr Lorenz Gonschor studied social science at the University of Tübingen and holds a PhD in political science from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Supported by linguistic competence in Tahitian and Hawaiʻian, he has published over 20 articles on Pacific history and politics.

Dianne Warner holds an M.B.A. from the University of the South Pacific, as well as a B.Bus. in accounting from Deakin University in Melbourne. She is a registered C.P.A. in Australia and, since 1999, has been chief executive officer of Skip’s Custom Joinery, Tonga’s leading furniture manufacturer.

Firitia Velt holds an M.S. in astronomy from Leiden University in the Netherlands. He is former associate dean and physics lecturer at the university at ʻAtenisi Institute. Since 1993, he’s been proprietor of Tonga’s dealership of Apple computers and iPods.
Our Correspondents

Fluent in Dutch, English, Spanish, and her native Polish, Dr Malgorzata Dziewiecka holds a PhD in geography from the University of Wroclaw. She has taught civilisation and geography at universities in the Maldives, Seychelles, and the Kingdom of Tonga. Her study of the Ngamiland region of Botswana was published in Warsaw by Adam Marszaek in 2012.
European scholars wishing to post on electronic encounters are invited to contact Dr Dziewiecka at opolnica14@yahoo.co.uk; in addition to her languages of fluency, French or Russian may also be deployed in query. Scholars based outside of Europe are invited to go to institute>general.