An institute for critical education in the South Pacific

Futa Helu library
Welcome to the ʻAtenisi student grades database
So to do it:
- Type in your 10 characters (or less) secret code in the number field, select your program, then press 'NOW'.
- If everything is fine, you will get a screen with your name and courses taken.
- If problems occur, return to this screen, and try again.
- The database only contains courses taken since 1989 by associate students and since 1991 by all students.
Contact the dean@atenisi.edu.to if problems persist, or for more information, or to get or change your personal admission code (T$5 after the first time)
Message to all intending hackers: even if you are able to get illegal access to this database and change grades, you only will be changing a copy and not the original. So do not waste your time on it.